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Common Questions About Acupuncture Treatment

Frequently Asked Questions


Does acupuncture have any side effects?

Acupuncture therapy is widely accepted because of the fact that it has no serious side effects.


Are the needles safe?

Completely. Needles are made of stainless steel; they are pre-sterilized and disposed of after each session.


What does it feel like?

Most patients describe a dull, slightly aching sensation when the needle is inserted.

Are you looking for a wiser approach to your health?

At Prime Health Solutions we uncover the root cause of your health issues and create personalized solution using chiropractic care, functional medicine, advanced testing, and nutrition.

At Prime Health Solutions

We’re dedicated to helping you address the root causes of your symptoms by offering


Used most often to treat neuro musculoskeletal complaints, including but not limited to back pain, neck pain, pain in the joints of the arms or legs, and headaches.


Natural approach to health and wellness aims at discovering the root cause of the disease.  It uses functional laboratory testing, herbal remedies, nutritional supplements, and lifestyle counseling


Involves insertion of fine needles at specific points on the body. It is used to help bring relief for a wide variety of ailments, from physical pain to depression and sleep disorders.


Used to diagnose physical abnormalities, restoring physical function and mobility, maintaining physical function, and promoting physical activity and proper function.

Why Prime-Health Solutions?

We strongly believe in natural living, eating whole foods, and getting to the root cause of the problem. A good foundation leads to our overall well-being.

We provide an in-depth assessment and evaluation using chiropractic, functional medicine, nutrition, and advanced testing to create personalized treatment plans so you can heal. We are here to help you build a healthy and vibrant future!

What We Provide

Our Treatment

Why Choose Us

Advanced Proven Procedures

We create a success-driven treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. At Prime-Health, we use the most advanced testing in chiropractic medicine, functional medicine, genomics, and microbiome and apply the science to your individual plan to help you restore wellness

Individual Approach to Patient

We provide independent practice constantly striving to provide excellence in personalized, compassionate care that is consistent, quality-driven, and choice-conscious for all patients. we realize that no two patients are alike, therefore we strive in creating an individualized treatment plan for all patients that walk through our door.

Well Trained Staff

Our doctors are well trained and specialize in Chiropractic Medicine, Functional Medicine, Acupuncture, Cupping, and Holistic Care. Prime -Health Solutions provides high-quality, accessible healthcare and education in an effort to cultivate long-standing relationships between highly trained practitioners and patients.